Is Now A Good Time To Refinance My Loan? Have You Guys Ever Purchased Time Shares In A Property?

In this podcast we discuss: Your Questions!!
Who gets to pick the title company that we close with on a property? Will the title company make sure I don’t have to come in contact with the seller when we close on the property for health reasons? If we get another stimulus check, what are some ways I could use the money for real estate? Is now a good time to refinance my loan? Have you guys ever purchased time shares in a property? Are they a good idea? Should I take down my family photos before I let people come look at my house? Should I get a security system prior to selling so I can keep an eye on people looking at my house?
Brothers-in-law Trent and Ethan are realtors with Keith Realty based out of Spencer, Indiana. They would love to answer any questions you may have about real estate. Simply send us an email at and we’ll do our best to get your question answered!
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