We’re Back! DIY Quarantined Projects!!

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In this episode we discuss DIY quarantine projects, staying at home still, and your questions! Such as: What are some home improvement projects I should do while waiting to list? Are people still buying/selling homes right now? We also are discussing some of our highlighted listings!!
Brothers-in-law Trent and Ethan are realtors with Keith Realty based out of Spencer, Indiana. They would love to answer any questions you may have about real estate. Simply send us an email at questions@keithrealty.net and we’ll do our best to get your question answered!
#keithrealty #realestatequestions #realtorpodcasts #realestateanswers #realestateadvice101 #indiana #spencerindiana #owencounty #unitedstatesrealtors #sellingahome #buyingahome