Why Should I Worry About Who I Use As A Realtor?

In this podcast we discuss: Your Questions!!
What is the first step to the home buying process? How much do I have to pay my realtor when I’m looking to buy a house? What are the most important things to know when I move into my first home? What do I do if my offer is rejected on the home I really want? How fast can I move in if my offer is accepted? Do I have to have money saved up to buy a house? Why should I worry about who I use as a realtor? What investment strategy have you had the most success with?
Weekly Quotes
“Failure will never overtake me if my determination to succeed is strong enough.” – Og Mandino
Brothers-in-law Trent and Ethan are realtors with Keith Realty based out of Spencer, Indiana. They would love to answer any questions you may have about real estate. Simply send us an email at questions@keithrealty.net and we’ll do our best to get your question answered!
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