Episode 6: Questions from Sellers and Buyers Part 1

This episode we field questions from Buyers and Sellers! We answer topics like: Can I see houses before I get a pre-approval letter? How soon does my earnest money check get cashed? How soon should I give someone possession of my house after closing? How low is too low to offer on a a house? Can I make an offer on a house before my house sells?
Brothers-in-law Trent and Ethan are realtors with Keith Realty & Auction Group based out of Spencer, Indiana. They would love to answer any questions you may have about real estate. Simply send us an email at questions@keithrealty.net and we’ll do our best to get your question answered!
#keithrealty #realestatequestions #realtorpodcasts #realestateanswers #realestateadvice101 #indiana #spencerindiana #owencounty #unitedstatesrealtors #sellingahome #multipleoffers #sellers